Why is it that those who claim to be the greatest patriots actually seem to know the least about how our government actually works? Many people in my acquaintance seem to be completely clueless about how the three branches of the government operate, and what falls under their jurisdiction. Yet these same people often literally wear their patriotism on their sleeve or lapel, waving a flag in place of real knowledge.
I am truly amazed by how many people fail to understand the basic principle of the three branches of government, and the check and balance system. This is something every eight grader should know, but for some reason seems to have slipped away from adults. I suspect part of the issue lies in avidly watching campaign ads without bothering to listen critically. Other issues include: wanting to assign blame, not wanting to admit a lack of understanding, and desiring easy solutions to complex problems. This however, is no excuse for Americans to be oblivious to their government.
I have several mini lectures ready on hand for those who fail to comprehend how our country actually works. The one I seem to use most often is, "The President has nothing to do with the fact that you did not get a cost of living increase on your Social Security." Another popular one is, "The President does not make laws." This does not make me fashionable with the complaint crowd, in fact I imagine it has taught some of them to not grinch so much around me. But that is not such a bad thing. I do not give these lectures for the sake of being pedantic, but because I genuinely believe in the importance of the informed voter.
Granted sometimes our system does not work completely as advertised, but do not make it easier for those who try to distort it. Do not be fooled by people who make statements designed solely for the purpose of getting people riled up. Complex problems cannot be solved by simplistic answers that do not take into account how our government actually functions. One of the most important acts a true patriot can do is to learn civics. If you claim to love our country show that love by knowing actual history and understanding what is written in our Constitution.