Monday, June 25, 2012

Four: The Grocery Store

     I do not know what I was thinking, going to the grocery store on a Friday night.  On the fifteenth of the month no less, so I knew full well that it was payday for half the town.  Yet, there I was in the packed store.  Could I have gone the day before, oh sure, could even have waited and gone early on Saturday.  I had enough coffee for one more pot.   I thought that there was one roll of toilet paper left in the cupboard.
     Even as I found myself pulling into the over crowded parking lot I caught myself thinking, "Oh, this is crazy."
     But there it was by some miracle, the perfect parking space.  So I figured it must be a good sign.  Well, so much for signs.  The only cart left had a distinct wobble to the left, and I found myself fighting it all through the produce aisle.  A couple of kids stood near the grapes casually popping them between their fingers and wiping the juice on each other absolutely no mom in sight.
     In the coffee row, right in front of my favorite brand stood two enormous women having a heated discussion about nothing.  When I tried to excuse myself to reach behind one of their carts to grab a can I was greeted with an evil glare.  I excused myself again, pushed a cart aside grabbed my coffee and dashed off as best I could with my wounded cart.  The women turned their wrath from each other to me as I rounded the corner into the soup aisle.  
     Now I didn't need soup, in fact I don't even like soup, but it seemed to be the quickest escape route.  I bobbed and weaved my way toward the paper goods.  Avoiding small children, label readers, and old people wandering slowly and seemingly aimlessly through the store, I glanced at the checkout stands.  Wouldn't you know it, ten stands and only five checkers.  The management knew full well that the store would be busy, why didn't they schedule accordingly?
     I regret going to the store that night, heck I regret going any where in town that day.  A shortage of toilet paper seems like such an insignificant thing looking back now.
     What happens next?  Please use the comment section to add to the story.

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